Arbor Jackson Copy Reviews 5

i bought this thing at a local music store for 270$. i had a piece of crap lotus before this and i needed a new guitar.

I havent played a whole lot of guitars, ive played some strats, a les paul, and that fuggin lotus, and this sounds equal if not better then the strats. it looks nice, it doesnt hum. It plays great no matter what your trying to play. The pickups one mine are Seymore Duncan so that might help. It has a humbucker. it sounds really sweet!

umm well lets see.......i cant really say anything bad about it. its a perfectly good guitar.....if you actually can play the guitar.

Built to last baby

Its a kickass guitar. if you have more money i would recomend maybe spending it on something else, but this is one good guitar, and its well worth its money

Your Mom rated this unit 5 on 2003-10-09.

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